PAIN turned into POWER; Call it OUT
While pain is described as "a sensory and emotional experience associated with, or resembling that associated with, actual or potential tissue damage", I would describe PAIN as an opportunity for POWER. Hear me out...
When PAIN starts to tissue damage, let me talk about the heart as the "tissue" in this case. PAIN comes to our intact heart, to take over what is good, it relates to a disease that comes to stay, call it all you want, can even be as bad as a cancer. Friends, that is PAIN. Allow me to “call it out”.
Now for me, this tissue-damage has come in many forms, many damaging forms, I must say. Damage to my most treasured tissues, the heart, and then the brain, where, it took over my mind and made it captive to its imprisonment. I have to “call it out”!
Now, you see, exactly one year ago, on this day, I lay my hero to rest. That’s the man I had the absolute honour of calling “dad and father”. See, my dad was no ordinary man. My father was my father, and there can only be one to suit those shoes. As I write to you about the PAIN ignited exactly one year ago, I call out POWER instead! My father was celebrated by the lowest and by the highest. My dad built no major world known mansions, but he built what is most desired by every individual that walks the earth….my father built LOVE! A true definition of what it is to love in heart and in action. And yet I know that there is a being that defined Himself as Love, that is GOD above. So my father actually built God (read LOVE) on earth.

Myles Munroe said, “The graveyard is the richest place on the earth because there, we find books never published, ideas never harnessed, songs never sang, drama pieces never acted”…..but for my father, his lays empty, because he emptied of himself, he gave it all through one word, LOVE! And is this not the most excellent way? (1 Corinthians 13.13). To put this in perspective; Someday, I will author about this man, so that a heart that has not known Love, will see it in the eyes of my dad, my father….the genesis of this, being my PAIN. That today, is what I call POWER. To break it down in simple terms, knowing to love a Heavenly Father for me, was a no-brainer, because dad made it very easy. I knew that to understand God’s love for me, I touched it and experienced it through my dad, my father.

So, my deepest PAIN today, calls out the POWER of LOVE, the love of a father for his daughter, pure love of a human being, so subtle, yet so deep; so unique yet so tangible; so fleeing in his death yet so eternally spoken. My PAIN turned into POWER, as I celebrate the memory of a father’s true and deepest LOVE, so rare but yet real! At this moment, my heart literally flies with wings like an eagle's, for I called it out; This PAIN has to turn to POWER!
As I call out my PAIN, where is yours friend? What is yours friend? When you call it out, like I did, you will see the POWER that this PAIN disguised, seated in your (painful) beautiful story. Arrange that crown back in place, Queen! 👑 I am speaking right to your heart, to manage the tissue-damage. Give yourself permission to discover the POWER out of your PAIN.