I give myself permission…
I give myself permission to take time to breathe, to be present, to reflect, to live life, to give, to love, and to Just Be….
Therein, is what I describe as Self Love…
Lady, to give yourself permission, is to allow your will over all else, to quieten all other voices that speak against that which you desire for You. Life is mostly about giving and allowing others to define our own wants and desires. I challenge you Lady, this 2022 is very personal! My prayer for you is to Redefine Your HEALTH 🙏 . You owe yourself a lot more, if only you say yes to “You First”
Therein, is discovering to Love on Self..
I know, often there is overwhelm in stepping out to care for your body. It takes more deliberate intent to care for one’s mind and heart, but the physical involvement makes the former achievable. Let me lead you woman, to see that “Yes you Can!”, Love YOU in body as well as you can in mind (read emotions)
See, growing up as a child, I always rode my bicycle almost everywhere I went in the beautiful and serene (now city) Entebbe.I did this since as far as I can recall in my earlier years, until ‘life happened’, like it always does, and cycling became a thing of the past. I look back now, and I know that a lot of what I did and went through as a child, moving my muscles on that bike, made all the difference in my mind and in my heart😄
Fast forward, almost 20 years later, I have had to search inwards, doing some Self Love, to rediscover the person I am, the one that I had so easily given away to the world and the circumstances it had thrown at me. In rediscovering ME and redefining my HEALTH, there was a bicycle somewhere.
I gave “ME” the permission to ride again…..my oh, my!! Did I not gift myself? Can I tell you that in one of those major moments, what I allowed my muscles to do on the road, gave way to my mind remodeling and re-aligning to purpose; no wonder I can share H3 (Hope Health Healing) with the world. In my bicycle moment, on a sunny Sunday morning of 11th July, 2021, on a dusty road in one of the suburbs of Kampala, lies a story that I will tell the world only because I gave myself permission to step out and breathe the fresh air, while on my bike. While my muscles moved, my mind was recharged more towards chasing purpose

So Lady, as we Self Love this February, Step Out! Breathe! And let’s move those muscles to enable the best environment for your mind to see the HOPE that Ignites your HEALING
Will you take a walk you haven’t in ages (I mean a walk for YOU)? Will you take your mat and stretch at your best scenery (I mean physical stretching of your body)? Will you dance under the stars and allow those beads of sweat to love on your skin? Did you know water is therapeutic, when did you last have that swim; will you allow the healing power of water to massage your muscles to a healthier body, soul, mind? I bet you, I know where these lead you to….towards HEALING as a lifestyle
So this month of Love, Lady, we are stepping out to Self Love, we are giving ourselves permission to love on our bodies and physically nurture the wealth of flowers planted in our bodies…. I commit to walk with you, if you let me!
Declaration to SelF Love:
I ____your name____ give myself permission to step out this week, and love on my body, while enjoying the gift of nature to my soul, through ______physical activity that you love that defines you and brings out the best version of you_________